Huerfano’s Happy Heart: Favorite Green Chile Recipes and More is a unique and tasty collection of recipes and stories from Southern Colorado featuring the iconic green chile.
Fire roasted green chiles hold a special place in Colorado culture and this regional cookbook captures the essence of that delightfully smoky fall flavor. Full of recipe stories and food memories, as well as favorite, every day meals, Huerfano’s Happy Heart Cookbook, the first in a series of Legacy Cookbooks, speaks to the heart of the hearth and captures the voices who hold our food memories dear.
Huerfano’s Happy Heart Cookbook is the result of a grant provided by Think Arts 360 to the Huajatolla Heritage Foundation and to Artist in Residence, Annie Toro Lopez, as part of a Creative Aging Initiative that improves the lives of our elder community. The aim of the book is to capture and honor the recipes, stories, and food memories that are an integral part of our food culture, and to capture the traditions of regional ingredients. Food unites us.
The Legacy Cookbook Series allows us to share in family and regional food traditions, and make those important connections to the past a part of our everyday lives and dinner menus.