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Learning to apply time-honored techniques of writer’s craft can transform your writing. This concise handbook offers a valuable resource to better understand Grammar, how the English language is used, and how to navigate the writing process.

Designed to be slim and concise, this small book is packed with information that can help you become a better writer in a short amount of time. It can be slid into your notebook, your backpack, or computer bag as a handy reference that is at your fingertips whenever you need it. Written with the writer in mind, this helpful book will become your go-to for a valuable guide to English language rules and conventions, as well as usage, writer’s process, story elements, structure, and more. “The Writer’s Handbook” offers wordsmiths a well-organized guide that can help them achieve a better understanding of how great writers apply their craft, and can assist in your application of important techniques and writer’s devices like active voice, figurative language, symbolism, imagery, and much more.

Written by a long-time, professional Reading and Writing teacher, “The Writer’s Handbook” is a great resource for students, aspiring authors, English Language Learners, and anyone who finds writing to be part of their daily lives. Easy to navigate, and organized to be intuitive to use, you will reach for this Indispensable Grammar and Style Guide again and again.

Front cover of The Writer's Handbook by Annie Toro Lopez

A Must Have !

This belongs in all writer’s toolboxes